Types of fungi

       Types of fungi
 On the basis of the nutrition the fungi are classified into several groups. These are-

1)Parasite- These fungus are obtained their food from any living beings or from any living tissues. If fungi obtain their food from the outer surface of the living (host) then it is called the ectoparasites and if they obtain their food from the inner side of the living then it is called as the endoparasite.
Parasites are of two types-
a)Obligate parasites- These fungus are obtained their food from the only living host.
example- Puccinia
b) Facultative saprophytes - These parasites obtained their food from dead and decaying matters in the absence of living beings as a saprophytes.
example- Mucor

2) Saprophytes- These fungus are obtained their food from the dead and decaying matters.
They are two kinds-
a) Obligate saprophytes- These fungus are obtained their food from only dead organic matter.
Example- Mucor
b) Facultative parasites- These saprophytic fungi obtain their food from the host in critical conditions .
Example- Fusarium

3) Symbiotic - These types of fungi are lived together with any other living beings and helped to each other.
These are of two kinds-
a) Lichen- In this symbiotic relationship fungi and blue green algae lived together and helped to each other.
b) Mycorrhiza- In this Symbiotic association fungi lives in the roots of some plants like Pinus, and helped to each other.


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