Economic importance of protozoa

 Economic importance of protozoa   
The protozoans are harmful as well as beneficial. A large number of  them cause serious diseases in man, cattle poultry and fishes. Some of them are beneficial in the sense that they are helpful in sanitation, provide food, make oceanic ooze and heip in the study of various biological processes.

Harmful Protozoa

 Harmful protozoa are mainly parasitic which live either in or upon the body of other animals and causes diseases.
1) Parasites of Mouth- 
Example- Entamoeba gingivalis, Lishmania brasiliensis

2) Parasites of digestive tract- 
Example- Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis

3)Parasites of blood and lymph- 
Example- Trypanosoma gambiense, Leishmania donovani

4) Parasites of urinogenital duct-
Example- Trichomonas vaginalis  

      Beneficial Protozoa
1) Helpful in Sanitation
2)Protozoa as food
3)Symbiotic Protozoa
4)Protozoa in study


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